Wednesday, February 19, 2020

The Do-Nothing Machine!

"The story begins--no blueprints or plans--a rhyming account of a child's two hands. It's a story about John, the inventor of things, who made a machine from wood, nails, and strings. Hae marked his machine with letters galore. He couldn't write words since he was just four. With all kinds of tools, John spent long hours, reworking, remaking, and adding tall towers. When friends asked John, "what does it do?" "Nothing," he'd say, "I'm not even through."The Do-Nothing Machine John named it one day, after months of adding and taking away. The fun was in the building, not getting through. It was not important what it could do. So gather together the best you can find. Make a Do-Nothing Machine from ideas in your mind."--Sharon MacDonald, author of The Do-Nothing Machine

Sometimes it is not about the finished product. It is the joy of doing, imagining, and creating! The Do-Nothing Machine story encourages creative engineering and helps children learn new vocabulary and processes when constructing a project. With no set direction, there is no pressure to complete a specific design—it is just simple fun and learning!

Ms. Kassidy's Do-Nothing Machine

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